Everyone has experienced an
irritating situation where they are around someone that is
free riding or have witnessed an act of it, but know that there isn't anything they can do about it. It may be a person sneaking into a movie when you had to pay or someone cutting in line when you've been waiting for an hour to get the concert tickets that you have wanted for six months. It is incredibly irritating to have to deal with. At times you just want to go tell them off, but in most instances you don't, you just let them proceed.
Free riding is a huge problem among consumers. We all want nice things, but don't want to pay for them, like community parks or a clean street to live on. If everyone had to pay for what they wanted to use than I feel like much of our economic state wouldn't be looking so grim. Wouldn't it be a crazy concept for street lights to turn on and off with your sidewalk passage in accordance to your light bill contribution? I guess that's what taxes should be for.